Camas Advice Founder and Wealth Strategist Rick Bailey
Camas Wealth Strategist Jim Carpenter
Wealth Strategist Josh Sterling


Camas Advice Founder and Wealth Strategist Rick Bailey
Camas Wealth Advisor Jon Bowles
Camas Wealth Advisor Jordan White

Rick Bailey, J.D., MAcc, CFP®


Rick Bailey is the Founder and Chairman of Camas and one of the most highly-renowned estate planners in the United States. As a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) with a Master’s degree in Accountancy/Taxation as well as a Juris Doctorate, Rick Bailey is a highly valuable asset to private clients, CPAs, attorneys, financial advisors, and life insurance professionals for his expertise in advanced estate planning and case design.

Rick’s years of experience in legal, tax, and financial services have attracted thousands of high-net-worth private clients with upfront planning fees starting at $25,000. He also specializes in training advisors in planning strategies, preparing proposals, presentations, case designs, and affinity partnerships.

His extensive background includes work as an estate planning attorney, financial planner, and both a Regional Marketing Director and Advanced Planner for a major life insurance company. He has authored numerous articles and given many presentations on topics such as business planning, succession planning, income-tax strategies for closely-held businesses, asset protection, buy-sell agreements, and wealth-preservation strategies. His latest book, titled “Orchestrate Your Legacy,” has been well-received by critics.